There is simply no excuse for White Baby Boomers’ collective ignorance about race in America. We had all the information we needed to fully grasp the depths of structural racism in the US and its continuing and devastating impact upon people of color. The Long History of Racism in America Did anyone among us not […]
Cold War Perhaps the most significant feature of international relations that shaped how baby boomers viewed their place in the world was the Cold War between the US and the USSR. This conflict between nuclear armed behemoths was an existential threat and the principal organizing principle for most of the world’s countries and people from […]
My college classmate and fellow baby boomer, Michael Medved, co-authored the book What Really Happened to the Class of 1965 on the occasion of the 10th reunion of his high school class. The book was interesting at the time, both because it was cleverly written, and because there was already somewhat of a society-wide […]
It is clear that one’s chronological age is not the most crucial determinant of one’s susceptibility to aquiring or dying from Covid-19 (see my blog post of June 24). Rather biological age (reflecting the actual physiology of a person and how well that person is functioning) appears to be much more important. This nuance is […]
Are People 65 and Older At Higher Risk? It has become widely accepted that people aged 65 and older have been collectivly labeled as high risk from the Coronavirus pandemic. It is clear from the data, however, that we should not lump all boomers (aged 55-74) in with people over 80. The disease is […]
I graduated from Yale University more than 50 years ago. As part of our celebration of our 50th reunion, we baby boomers were asked to contribute an essay to the “Class Book” of 1969. This is taken from that essay. Racism There were many things I did not learn at Yale, but only came to […]
Perhaps no historical event had more influence on early baby boomers (those born, let’s say, between 1946 and 1955) than the tragic and brutal assassination of President John F. Kennedy in Dallas, Texas in November 1963. And no doubt the most influential cultural icon for these same boomers than poet/folk-rock singer Bob Dylan. His first […]